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Suppliers of VPU goods and services that are members of the RIGI may register in the RIGI Supplier Registry.

The participating VPUs must contract goods and/or works for at least 20% of the total investment amount allocated to paying suppliers corresponding to the Project.

PEN Decree 765/2024 was published in Argentina on August 28, 2024.

The IGJ published General Resolution 18/2024 in the Official Gazette on 21/08/2024, introducing important changes in the regulations of Sports Corporations.

On August 13, 2024, the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation issued the ruling “Luacrudra, Jonatan Daniel c/ Directv Argentina S.A. and others s/ Dismissal”, altering the mechanism for updating labor credits provided by the National Chamber of Labor Appeals through minutes 2783/4.

After three years of work in the UN Ad Hoc Committee and the participation of 151 countries, the text of the Convention on Action against the Use of Information and Communication Technologies for Criminal Purposes was approved.

On July 17, 2024, the provision of the Provincial Directorate of Legal Entities of the Province of Buenos Aires (“DPPJ”) No 64/2024 (the “Provision 64/2024”) came into force, which regulates the registration of companies incorporated abroad that request their registration for the habitual exercise of the acts included in their purpose, to establish a branch, seat or permanent representation within the Province of Buenos Aires.

On 07/16/24, General Resolution 15/2024 (the “Resolution”) issued by the General Inspectorate of Justice (“IGJ”) was published by which the “Rules of the General Inspectorate of Justice” (“IGJ Rules”) were approved, which will replace, with certain exceptions.

A new law has been enacted in Argentina aimed at promoting major investment projects in various sectors, including infrastructure, oil & gas, mining, forestry, technology, steel, and tourism.

It explores the recent fiscal package’s essential details and implications that introduce significant measures in various tax areas.