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Santiváñez Abogados

Firm News

The Good Taxpayers Regime is Repealed: Learn About the New Compliance Profiles

On March 19, 2022, Legislative Decree No 1535 was published, which creates the compliance profile for subjects who must comply with tax, customs and non-tax obligations managed and/or collected by SUNAT. MORE

Tax Reform 2022

We present the tax regulations issued within the framework of the 2022 tax reform. MORE.

Exceptionally, Workers Who Are Not Fully Vaccinated May Perform Face-To-Face Activities

It is provided that, by exception, workers who do not have the complete vaccination scheme, whose nature of the work is not compatible with remote work, can continue to carry out face-to-face work activities. MORE.

Employee Data Privacy Guide

As concerns about worker data privacy have grown across Latin America, so has the definition of “worker”; past, current, and potential employees and contractors may now be covered by a country’s labor, employment, and data-security regulations. Ally Law’s Latinx member firms are pleased to provide this jurisdiction-by-jurisdiction guide to the region’s employee privacy laws. MORE.

New Standards for Health Surveillance of Workers at Risk of SARS

On December 3, RM N ° 1275-2021 / MINSA was published, which approves Administrative Directive N ° 321-MINSA / DGIESP-2021, establishing new provisions for the surveillance, prevention and control of the health of workers at risk of exposure to SARS-CoV-2 and repealing RM N ° 972-2020-MINSA, which approved the Technical Document “Guidelines for the surveillance, prevention and control of the health of workers at risk of exposure to SARS-CoV-2 “, Which was in force since November 2020. MORE.

Signing of Renewable Electricity Supply Contracts

Santiváñez Abogados provides details on renewable electricity supply contracts. MORE.

Members Rated in Legal 500 Latin America

Executive Branch Presents a Bill To Legislate on Tax Matters

Yesterday, October 27, 2021, Law Project No. 583/2021-PE Law was published that delegates to the Executive Power the power to legislate on tax, fiscal, financial and economic reactivation matters for a period of 120 calendar days. MORE.

Recognition in The Legal 500 Latin America, 2022

Santiváñez Abogados recognized in The Legal 500 Latin America, 2022. MORE.

Directives Issued by the Superior Council of Arbitration

The Arbitration Center of the Lima Chamber of Commerce has published three (3) Directives issued by the Superior Council of Arbitration, which have an impact on the distribution of fees among arbitrators, the information disclosed by arbitrators and the challenge procedures brought before the Arbitration Center. MORE.