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Santiváñez Abogados

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Santiváñez Abogados has advised Anglo American on a 187 MW contract

has advised Anglo American on a 187 MW contract with Engie Energía Peru to provide 100% renewable energy for the Quellaveco copper field, which is expected to begin production in 2022. With this agreement, Anglo American reached its commitment to obtain 100% renewable energy for all its operations in Brazil, Chile and Peru. MORE.

Single regulatory framework for the fractioning and deferral of tax debts

By means of Superintendence Resolution N° 000087-2021/SUNAT, published on June 30, 2021 and effective as of July 1, 2021, they modify Superintendence Resolution N° 161-2015/SUNAT that approved the Regulation of deferral and/or installment of the tax debt for internal taxes and Superintendence Resolution N° 190-2015/SUNAT that approved the provisions for the application of the exception that allows SUNAT to grant deferment and/or installment for the balance of the tax debt for internal taxes previously subject to deferment and/or installment, in order to include the debt for customs taxes in said regulations. MORE.

Modification of the list of taxpayers of the Intendance of Major National Taxpayers

Superintendence Resolution No. 000088-2021/SUNAT, published on June 30, 2021 and which will become effective on July 5, 2021, has provided in its Article 1 that the taxpayers included in Annex No. 1 of the aforementioned resolution be included in the directory of the Intendencia de Principales Contribuyentes (PRICOS) Nacionales and in the directories of PRICOS of the Intendencia Lima, Intendencias Regionales and Oficinas Zonales (Regional Intendencies and Zonal Offices). MORE.

Head of Litigation and Arbitration, Emily Horna receives high recognition

We are pleased to announce that our Head of Litigation and Arbitration, Emily Horna, has been selected along with other excellent professionals in the energy and arbitration world, as founder of the Peruvian Chapter of ENERAP/Energy Related Arbitration Practitioners. MORE.

Modification of the Occupational Safety and Health Law

Today, Law No. 31246, which modifies articles 49 and 60 of Law No. 29783, Occupational Health and Safety Law, was published in the official newspaper “El Peruano”, in order to guarantee the right to of workers to safety and health at work in the face of epidemiological and sanitary risk, regardless of the modality, in person or remotely, by which they are developing their work, establishing the following obligations to employers: MORE.

Fractionation of the balance of tax debts

On June 12, Supreme Decree No. 144-2021-EF was published, establishing the possibility of accessing the postponement and/or fractionation for the tax debt contained in a resolution of loss of the Deferral and/or Fractionation Regime (RAF) approved by Legislative Decree No. 1487. MORE.

Modification of the Regulation on the Gradation of Tax Infringements

By Superintendency Resolution No. 000078-2021/SUNAT, published on June 11, 2021, and which entered into force on June 12, 2021, it has been ordered to modify the Regulation of the Graduality Regime approved by Superintendency Resolution No. 063-2007/SUNAT. MORE.

Discretionary power to administer penalties for the tax infraction of late filing of return

By means of Resolution of the National Deputy Superintendence of Internal Taxes N° 000012-2021-SUNAT/700000 published on June 11, 2021, and which came into effect on June 12, 2021, it is resolved to apply the discretionary power to administratively sanction the infraction typified in numeral 1 of article 176 of the Tax Code, referred to the failure to file the returns containing the determination of the tax debt within the established deadlines, with respect to the subjects that are in the New Simplified Single Regime (NRUS), so that they are not affected with the closure of their premises or the imposition of a fine. MORE.

Electronic Tax Refund Files are included in the SIEV, and SUNAT’s Virtual Desk is enabled

By Superintendency Resolution No. 000072-2021/SUNAT, published on May 30, 2021 in the Official Journal El Peruano, Superintendency Resolution No. 084-2016/SUNAT was amended, establishing, among others, the following provisions regarding the Integrated Virtual File System (SIEV). MORE.

Emily Horna, admitted as a member of the Young Arbitrator Group

Our Head of Litigation and Arbitration Area, Emily Horna, has been admitted as a member of the Young Arbitrator Group of the Energy Disputes Arbitration Center. MORE.