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Richards Cardinal Tützer Zabala Zaefferer

On January 26, 2023, Resolution No-50/2024, which approves the Unified Regulation of the "Program for the Promotion of Consumption and Production of Goods and Services," called "SIMPLE QUOTA," which will replace the "AHORA 12" program. MORE.

On 01/29/2024, General Resolution No-1/2024 of the General Inspection of Justice (the "IGJ") was published in the Official Gazette, repealing General Resolution No-1/2022, which provided that the bylaws of the companies to be registered in the IGJ must establish a maximum term of 30 years as from their registration in such registry. MORE.

On 8/1/24 at 9 AM, the public hearing convened today by ENARGAS will be held virtually, where the transitory adjustment of the rates of the public gas transmission and distribution service will be considered. MORE.